The Road to Summer Camp with Kevin Donohue

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Do you remember the first time you came to Summer Camp Music Festival? Kevin Donohue, the guitarist/keyboardist/driving force behind SunSquabi does. All thanks to a little thing called the Summer Camp: On The Road series.  Supporting local and up-and-coming artists has always been an integral part of Summer Camp Music Festival. This value is what […]

The Leading Ladies of SCamp 23

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Kanika Moore via Instagram By Camp Counselor Sydney It’s all about girl power this Summer Camp! There’s just another week until the SCamp Fam is reunited at Three Sisters Park for the 22nd Summer Camp Music Festival! SCampers around the country have several weeks of planning and packing under their belt, and with the recently […]

Get Involved With SOULPATCH 🌱

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Application for CollaboratorsWould you like to be a part of the SOULPATCH magic this year? Do you have a garden design that works for you that you would like to share with everyone at SCAMP? We are looking for educational installations and demonstrations to add to the garden space! Fill out this form to tell […]

BOGO Poster Sale!

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BOGO We’ve got posters from Summer Camps past back in the store and are running a limited time deal: Buy any poster, get one free. Plus 10% off the rest of the items in the store. Sale is live through Sunday at 11:59pm CT!

Summer Camp 2021 Official Recap Video


Take us BACK! We’re still thinkin’ about our 20th anniversary celebration and how beautiful it all was. We wouldn’t have had it any other way than with you SCampers, all the artists, and everyone involved. Thank you again for 20 years, and let’s do it all again next Memorial Day Weekend, we’ll see you May 27-29, […]

Apply to this Year’s Soulshine Live Art Gallery!

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Calling All Visual Artists! Summer Camp’s Soulshine Live Art Gallery is an exhibition of unique painters, builders, designers and creators that aims to provide high quality art for display and for sale. The gallery itself will be once again located on either side of the stage inside the Soulshine Tent. The powerful relationship between music […]

Camp Counselor Niki’s Gold Star Review: Drive-In Edition


(All images by Nikstagraham) The temperature’s have plummeted below 40° at night and drive-ins have made a comeback in urban America. Cars decked with party lights are filled with rage squads, blankets and camping chairs. The bar is serving spiked hot chocolate, warm cider, and Hot Toddies, ordered by QR code and delivered straight to […]

Chase Baby Releases ‘The Dissociation EP’

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(image by Robert K. Recordings) Four time Summer Camp Music Festival (2016-2019) performer Chase Baby (of Trouble Chasin’) who is also on the ticket for Summer Camp 2021 just released what might be his most innovative project to date. Leaving behind traditional hip-hop production and shopping for beats, Chase took on an alternative route having […]

Virtual Retrospective VIP Upgrade Giveaway!

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We want to thank each and every one of you that took part in our virtual retrospective event this Memorial Day Weekend. Although we would have rather gathered in person, it felt extra special to gather with you all virtually. As a token of our appreciation, we have decided to select one random purchaser of […]

SCamp 2020 Phase 2 BANGERS

A big day for Midwest Griz Fam today: the “saxy” Detroit DJ/producer, GRiZ, will officially return to Summercamp the first time since 2016! His most recent “Ride Waves” album and tour were all about new funk, sax and dubstep sound with important messages about peace, love, and unity. The socially-conscious, philanthropic sax-player and music partner, Muzzy […]