Zac Brown Band announced that they’ll bring special guests on during their set Sunday at some point to play a variety of covers. Sit ins are natural at the fest and with The Wood Brothers playing Sunday and knowing the connection there it seems likely. Yonder with Keller Williams could certainly bring some interesting dynamics with the recently departed Jeff Austin. Keller picks a good mando. Umphrey’s and moe. are sure to cover each other’s songs as they usually do at some point during the weekend. It’s a nod to each bands profound respect for the others musical journey and letting their music be heard by masses. BREAKING: You may also win a chance to meet Bassnectar. So, there’s that if he is your dream to give a hardy hand shake and googly-eyed awkward stare to the DJ. Personally a few sets that I am sure not to miss by day are as follows. If you see me around say hello and let me know what crazy shenanigans pop up and surprise the pants off you. But seriously keep your pants on in the general areas. Or at least sport a pink tu-tu.
Thursday – Preparty
Each year the organizers open the park up early to the willing wishing to have a four-night music and camping experience. It allows the picky people who don’t want to camp near dubstep tent or the port-o-lets to snag level (often dry) high ground (pun semi intended).
Blue Fruit Snacks –VIBETENT 1:30/3PM; Since seeing them out in Colorado I’ve been itching to see this duo again. Funky and fresh they have a good vibe about them. Damn punned again…ah whatever the band name is kickass too.
Family Groove Company – STARSHINE 5PM; These Illinois based soul funk jam laden quartet have graced the campgrounds since pretty much the inception of the festival. Rumor has it they have the killer horn section in Third Coast Horns to blow your minds and melt faces. Recently they did a pre-party of their own at Mayne Stage on Chicago’s northside with another SCamp band
Afternoon Moon (FRI, Camping 3:30PM). If you don’t own a pre-party pass FGC will also be on STARSHINE stage Friday at 1PM.
Nanko & Medicine for the People- STARSHINE 8PM; This guy and his band are magic. I don’t get much but this I like. Fun name to say, good message in the lyrics, raw delivery and emotion. Sign me up please.
Henhouse Prowlers- CAMPFIRE 9PM; Fresh off a European tour the boys should be in rare form to play the campfire and get the night going with their traditional yet invigorating bluegrass musings. The four fellows usually can be found wandering about later that evening whiskey and PBR in tow. Hence why I am following them around.
The Ragbirds- CAMPFIRE 11:30PM; World melodies with a hopeful tone Erin Zindle and Randall Moore recently entered the joys of being band rock star parents this past year. The band from the mitten shaped state is for those who might wish to stick to string instruments over the DJ sets and electronica influenced jam.
[caption id="attachment_19608" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Chicago’s finest preparty for SCamp in Wrigleyville.[/caption]
BONE JUGS & HARMONY CAMPING 12:30PM; If I can get myself out of the tent in time I plan to be at the Campfire stage for the majority of the early afternoon with these guys along with
OLD SHOE 1:30PM planning to do a bit of Manteno magic prior to
BEN MILLER BAND 2PM CAMPING playing their washtub bass and powder blue telephone “Black Betty”. Old Shoe received mention as one of Chicago’s Best Album of 2013 for their third release named appropriately enough “Family”.
Matisyahu- MOONSHINE 5PM; Though his style has adapted to the changing times I still hold true to the belief the reggae comes out more in the heat of the moment and he plays some favorites from “Live At Stubbs”. If for no other reason than to feel nostalgic and to respect my Hassidic homie.
Victor Wooten Band- VIP LOUNGE 6PM; Past workshops and open jams have been stuff of legend and you don’t want to miss it when Vic’s bass unhinges your jaw and it’s left in the mud. Worth the VIP ticket to be that close to the man.
Blues Traveler- MOONSHINE 7PM; See Matisyahu but from when John Popper was both in charge and large. I hope they sit in with moe.a bit just to get some goose bumps if they choose a gem to bust out.
THINNER TEED-CAMPING 12PM; Rise and shine with the Illinois Chicago area jam act. Bring some coffee, Irish even.
DEVIL MAKES THREE-SUNSHINE 4:45PM; Played two years ago at Summer Camp and tore it off Sunshine stage. Skip on over with the Irish part of the coffee.
GREENSKY BLUEGRASS-SATURDAY 3:45PM; As the Band sang don’t miss them “Don’t Do It”. If you’re a fan of the so called newgrass with a dash of rock swagger then get to Moonshine. Bet
Allie Kral sits in with either this band or the next. Bet you a case of beer (disclaimer: do not actually have money to buy entire festival a case of beer)
FLOODWOOD- STARSHINE 4PM/CAMPFIRE 6PM; They play four times throughout the festival. Apparently Al Schnier’s bluegrass side project is getting to be less side. But we like that too. These guys rip. I think it’s the mandolin players ponytail.
KELLER WILLIAMS and More Than Little- MOONSHINE 5:30PM; Bet he is joined by Al from moe. or joins Greensky. Too close in the day not to. Watch his facial expressions people. Cause…they, a
HILARIOUS. Truth in life like death and taxes.
CHICAGO FARMER NEW Feat with Old Shoe-CAMPFIRE 2PM; Cody smashes a laptop one year…then brings out a pretty bad ass backing band in Old Shoe. Who does he think he is Bob Dylan? Hope they play some Levon Helm inspired classics though. If they rant onstage in meaningless garble I’ll also call that a win.
GLOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE-SUNSHINE 6:45PM; Been seeing this dude since college and love me some Philadelphiaphonic style east coast bballer. I still think I could take him on the basketball court. Challenge accepted Garrett?
ZAC BROWN BAND-MOONSHINE 4:30PM/6PM; The biggest hoopla about Summer Camp seems to be that no one has heard of how good this guy and his band are around the ears that incumbent the region. If this guy does justice to
Widespread Panic and sits in with John Bell and friends then you have my attention.
TREY ANASTASIO BAND SUNSHINE 7PM/9PM; Last year was a freaky deaky mess baby! Bring on rounds three and four. I’m ready Mr. Anastasio. Is a Primus sit in within the realm of destiny? I get the feeling he kinda wants to redeem Mother Nature from her mistake.
THE WOOD BROTHERS- SUNSHINE 3PM/CAMPFIRE 2AM; From Park West to Lincoln Hall each time I see this trio I get shivers down my spine. “Honey Jar” is a personal favorite as is “The Muse”. Plus they have a pretty great shiutar player with a cool name which I am misremebering at the moment because well his name is not part of the band name. He should get on that or change his last name before camp starts.
THIS MUST BE THE BAND- SOULSHINE 2AM; Closing it down in the Soulshine tent yearly is the Chicago based tribute band homage to Talking Heads. Guaranteed to be hot as hades in the tent, but with good music and not elevator muzak. Charlie and crew are gonna stop making sense way before you figure out where in the heck you left your last brew.
LETTUCE; FUNK personified. Bring your own dressing. Janis Wallin endorsed. That’s all you gotta say bout that.
See you out on the campgrounds!]]>