Camp Counselor Carmel Interviews Summer Camp 2014 Artist Caroline Rose

Caroline recently took some time to answer a few questions for Summer Camp in order to help us get to know her a bit better before her set at the Campfire stage at 7:30pm on Friday. Did you go to summer camp as a kid? No not really, I was a street busker in the summer so that was when I could make the big bucks. I’d love to go to adult space camp though, that’s on my bucket list. Do you have any big summer plans this year? We’re touring a lot this summer and have a record coming out in August, but I’m excited to have a couple weeks to travel on my own. I’m going out to the Pacific Northwest to see Hoh Rainforest and wander around the San Juans…I inherited the Wanderlust from my parents. We grew up traveling around the country so now I go exploring every chance I get. I’m real excited, it’s been a while since I’ve had free time. What are some artist or bands you hope to see perform live over the summer? At Summer Camp? I’d like to see the Wood Brothers, I’ve never seen them before. Swear and Shake are good friends of mine, so I hope I get to see them as well. But I’m mostly just excited to hear new music and hang out. What’s your favorite summer time beverage? Tom Collins is my favorite mixed drink. I like it so much I named my car after it, he’s a ’75 MBG convertible I accidentally bought on ebay. Vermilion red, my favorite color… What is your favorite festie food? Drunk food. How many times have you been to Summer Camp Music Festival and what is your favorite part about the fest? I’ve never been! This is my first summer camp experience. What are you most looking forward to for summer 2014? Not looking like Vampyra and being pulled out of seasonal depression. Do you have any new music coming out this year? Yes! In August. And hopefully a psychobilly record soon to follow…  ]]>