Post Summer Camp Blues

img 2228[/caption] Monday 10AM – Made it out of the tent graveyard post festival zombieland that was Chillicothe’s Three Sisters Park. Our neighbors must have partied too hard because they left a completely intact upright 15′ X 15′ enclosed canopy at their site. We provided the land with these tiki torches which were nice ambience, but rather unwieldy to transport back home.  I heard a ton of stuff gets donated to local charities so i’m hoping they end up on some townies back porch next to a hammock or something. Monday 3PM – Arrive home, immediately eat a large Chicago Bagel Authority bagel, shower for 40 minutes solid, and begin to sleep a ridiculous amount of time before unpacking the rest of our leftovers from SCamp. Inventory excess was had on tie-dye duct tape, and Armor vienna sausages (which we are planning to give away to some hungry soul at the next festival since they have the half life on par with Twinkies). Pay it forward with the sardines as well! Karma and brownie points or caramel brownie bites are all good. [caption id="attachment_8485" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Viva la tie-dye duck tape y Armor Vienna sausages. Both stand up to the feats of strength."]img 2237[/caption] Tuesday 1AM- My sleep schedule is all wonky so I write a bit about my groups Sunday fest activity and upload video blogs until I get tired again around 4AM. I remove the dirt that somehow escaped the 40 minute soap barrage earlier and it starts to hit me. Another year is in the books for Summer Camp. Some of us go back to the real world. Some of us go on to the next festival. However, for one brief weekend we were together celebrating our veterans as well as  the fact we are able to be with dear friends and hear wonderfully crafted music. As I reflect back on my first Summer Camp as a CIT I am thankful for the camaraderie shown by all my new friends.  Maria Iriart, Abby Mager, Jason Harper, Mo Miller, Tiff Narron, and Alex Fornes are some good folk and despite life getting hectic we’ve all said we’re going to try and keep the band together for next year.  Holly was a great Camp Director who was a blast to see do her thing flying all over the place. I was able to meet Jay Goldberg the first night on the way in and shake his hand and thank him for keeping such a great festival vibe and not letting it get out of hand. I’ll surely benefit from this experience simply by expanding my group of friends that share the love of Summer Camp. CIT Dave screen shot 2012 05 30 at 7.18.12 am  ]]>