Camp Counselor Alex Fornes Interviews Will From The Black Cadillacs.

the black cadillacs 1 Your name “The Black Cadillacs,” how did that come about? W: Well, there’s actually a few different schools of thought. It’s either from a Lightnin’ Hopkins song, but really what it is, is my cousin Mathews whose our lead guitar player. He was 16 and thought of what a rock and roll band would call them selves. So are you guys working on any new material? W: Oh ya, constantly. We’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to record new material. Most of our set right now is new material. We play it on the road to save a little time and polish them on the road. So no new release you wanna talk about? W: Well, I can’t speak anything certain time but we are hoping to record as soon as possible. We will be releasing two songs that we put out on our 7” vinyl this past fall that is a limited release that will be available for download this spring/summer tour. So it there any kind of major themes or anything in particular you guys try and portray in your music? W: We’ve just been progressing a lot after playing so much together as a band and some of the material on our last album, “Run,” are left over songs from when Mathew and I were writing together in High School. This is just a much more up to date version of us, a much more coherent album where all of the material was written together and it’s all a similar feel sonically. As far as material goes, it’s a more coherent theme. So assuming then, you guys will be playing newer stuff at Summer Camp? W: Oh ya definitely, definitely look out for that. We’re gonna be pretty much playing all new material at Summer Camp. Sweet. Have you guys played at Summer Camp? W: No, this will be our first time and will honestly be our first time playing in the area in over a year probably. Time and stage you guys will be playing? W: Campfire stage at 3:30 PM. On Friday the 23rd. Anything you guys most excited about playing at Summer Camp? W: Oh ya, we got several friends bands playing. Really, this is our first time playing festivals. We’re just excited to be apart of it and just experience the whole thing. We played Hangout Festival but this will be one of our firsts. So what the preparation like then playing at a festival compared to playing at a venue? W: Well I guess every one is different you know, even every venue. As far as festivals go I guess you can’t prepare too much. There’s no real formula for it because they are all different. Just gotta drink a lot of water. Last but not least to keep people laughing a little bit. Starburst or Skittles? W: Starburst every time. bc 2]]>