Before tent city was built[/caption]
Once my crew was able to meet up with me and all the essentials were up, we were finally able to crack open a beer and head to our first show of the weekend… Umphrey’s soundcheck 🙂 It was awesome to see over a hundred people to show up just for a soundcheck!
[caption id="attachment_13568" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Umphrey’s soundcheck[/caption]
After meeting all the rest of the CIT’s I headed on over the VIP tent for the 312 Welcoming party. This was a great opportunity to kick back on some recliners and watch a little bit of the Hawks game, which they projected on the ceiling of the tent. I concluded at this time that this might be the most baller spot to hang out at camp.
[caption id="attachment_13564" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Hawks Game at the VIP Lounge[/caption]
On our way back to the Starshine stage to catch Cornmeal a very friendly gentleman gave us a ride on his mustache mobile.
[caption id="attachment_13569" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Mustache Ride!!![/caption]
Cornmeal was something special. Tons of people were at this set to see one of their favorite bands play one of their last shows with their current lineup. I met some wonderful fans that shared some mixed emotions about seeing these last shows with Allie Krall. I met a wonderful woman named Audrey who wanted to be the official Summer Camp Mom. She definitely has my vote!
[caption id="attachment_13570" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Official Summer Camp Mom[/caption]
Yesterday’s pre-party had a variety pack of music that got me really pumped for the rest of the weekend. My favorite part about the pre-party is the local Midwest flavor that breaks in our dancing shoes and helps us practice our dance moves.