Uncle Randy talks Beer, Stickers and Safety with Camp Counselor Robert at SCamp18

Cover image courtesy of Infinite Perspectives. Article written by Camp Counselor Ashlee. Video courtesy of Camp Counselor Robert /  Robert K. Recordings 

It’s only natural for festivals that have been around for years to accumulate some familiar faces. For Summer Camp Music Festival, Uncle Randy is one of those faces.

He stands out against most festival crowds at age 60 (although it might have something to do with his infamous pink tutu). From his sparkly outfits to his boisterous attitude, Uncle Randy is the epitome a hot, fabulous mess.    

When Uncle Randy isn’t partying, he works long days and nights as a full time as a farmer in Illinois. While farming is Uncle Randy’s passion and takes up most of his time, there’s nothing that could stop him from coming to Three Sisters Park and nothing has stopped him for the last 15 years.

Uncle Randy comes to Summer Camp every year, sometimes even by bike, and you can always catch him with his best friend and partner-in-crime, Colin. Where there is Summer Camp, there is Uncle Randy. And where there is Uncle Randy, there is Colin. And when you get Uncle Randy and Collin together, there’s a party.

This year, third year Camp Counselor Robert had a chance to poke the pre-scrambled brains of Uncle Randy and Collin during the Wednesday pre-party line. Check out the video below for a little taste of the one and only, Uncle Randy.

video courtesy of Robert K. Recordings 
song credit – The Dawn “Leaf on a Stream”
