The Camp Counselor Experience

The Camp Counselor Experience

(image from Tony Vasquez)

From Summer Camp Music Festival: Our application for Camp Counselor is now open! Every year since 2011 Summer Camp has searched the country looking for a select few exceptional people to play a bigger role with, and at, the festival. APPLY HERE for your opportunity to join the team in 2023. Applications close this Sunday, May 14th. We’ll be selecting our winner the following week!

From Camp Counselor Kyle:

When I reflect and go through the most memorable experiences of my life up until this point, there is always a clear cut one that gives me a smile wider than my face. An experience so awesome that it has given me countless memories for years, amazing opportunities in the present, and so much more to come in the future. I’m talking about the coolest gig on the planet; the Summer Camp Counselor Program.

“The coolest job EVER at a music festival”

may 28 2022 camp councelors scamp 2022 by 5 wm tony vasquez

(Camp Counselor Sasha Announcing moe. in 2022)

The program is quite literally “the coolest job EVER at a music festival”, as dubbed by the program’s founder Holly Brinkman. Since starting with the first counselor in 2011, Nick Stock, the program has evolved into something that no one could have possibly imagined. It’s the brainchild of so many talented and diverse folks from all across the country. All of the counselors bring their own talents to the big stage; there are amazing photographers, videographers, bloggers, vloggers and more!

Let’s circle back to why being a part of this program has produced such amazing experiences for me. In no particular order, here are some of the coolest things I have done as a result of being a Summer Camp Counselor: Announcing moe.’s first set on the Moonshine stage, sitting side stage for Umphrey’s Mcgee, having a private moe. set, interviewing EOTO with camp counselor Kevin, providing write ups of shows year around across the country – Now that I think of it, there isn’t enough space to write all the amazing stuff I have done since becoming a counselor in 2013.

17799994 10211467394057043 8542891498100916959 n(Camp Counselors Kyle and Nick at SCamp13)

One of my favorite aspects of being a counselor is that this program truly is what YOU want it to be both individually and collectively. It provides a structure year round and on site at the festival, while also allowing you to use your talents to be as creative as possible. Being able to collaborate not only with the rest of the counselors and artists, but also with people working behind the scenes at the festival really is a dream come true. I have met people along the way that I not only consider my friends, but my family.

Are you a Summer Camp Music Festival lover that wants a slice of the festival year round? A chance at an opportunity that only a small group of people gets to experience? A unique way to connect with every aspect of the best festival there is, more than one weekend of the year? We would love for YOU to join our family, and welcome you to the coolest job EVER at a music festival.

Apply Here: 2023 Summer Camp Counselor Applications