The Road to Summer Camp with Kevin Donohue

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Do you remember the first time you came to Summer Camp Music Festival? Kevin Donohue, the guitarist/keyboardist/driving force behind SunSquabi does. All thanks to a little thing called the Summer Camp: On The Road series.  Supporting local and up-and-coming artists has always been an integral part of Summer Camp Music Festival. This value is what […]

Summer Camp’s Comprehensive Packing Guide & List

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(photo credit Keith Griner) [This blog was originally penned by Camp Counselor Alex in 2021] Whether it’s your 22nd Summer Camp or you’re very first camping festival, it’s time to consider what the heck to pack. I embarrassingly admit one year I forgot shorts (face palm). Lesson is: I don’t care how busy you are, please […]

Glam Camp is back at SCamp23!

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(Glam Camp 2022 by Brett Bergen) SCamp Glam Camp returns to Summer Camp Music Festival on Friday, 5/26 from 4-6pm at Unicorn Island! With eco-conscious beauty in mind, Camp Counselor Niki, Camp Counselor Cat and their “Sparkle Team” of volunteers will be providing free bio-degradable glitter, hair braiding, hair styling, and festival makeup help! (Glam Camp 2021 Images […]

The Camp Counselor Experience

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The Camp Counselor Experience (image from Tony Vasquez) From Summer Camp Music Festival: Our application for Camp Counselor is now open! Every year since 2011 Summer Camp has searched the country looking for a select few exceptional people to play a bigger role with, and at, the festival. APPLY HERE for your opportunity to join […]

Camp Counselor Nick’s Momma Goes SCampin’

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When we say that everyone around you at Summer Camp is family, we often mean that literally. Camp Counselor Nick’s Mom came to Summer Camp last year and they documented their experience with us Sunday Funday is a perfect chance to bring out your family members for a taste of the magic Bring them out […]

Sober SCamping

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Author: Allyce Carlson Sobriety has always seemed to be a touchy issue. Those who are sober may find difficulty in talking to others about their choice, and those who are not sober tend to worry their own habits will infringe on the comfort of their sober counterparts. In order to shift the paradigm, we must […]

Summer Camp Podcast EP49: Luke Bemand (lespecial)

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Camp Counselor Allyce guest hosts and talks to Luke Bemand from lespecial. You can stream all of the episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, coming soon to YouTube and here at Listen Here Stay up-to-date on all of our new releases! Bookmark our page for The Campfire to always access the magic from our Camp Counselors and Summer Camp Music Festival Podcast: Play […]

Summer Camp Podcast EP48: 2022 Recap Part 1

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Camp Counselor Derek takes you through his magical weekend at camp with music clips and full songs. You can stream all of the episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, coming soon to YouTube and here at LISTEN HERE Stay up-to-date on all of our new releases! Bookmark our page for The Campfire Blog to always access the magic from our […]

Twenty-one years of SCamp


Twenty-one years of SCamp (photo credit Robert K. Multimedia) Two decades in, Summer Camp Music Festival remains a perennial favorite. Here we are, already adjusting back to normal life after Summer Camp. After such a magical weekend, the glow takes a while to fade, but eventually you come back to earth; it happens every year. […]

Camp Counselor Sasha Finally Hits Double Digits

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Camp Counselor Sasha Finally Hits Double Digits (cover photo by Emerald Elements) A wise man with a watermelon on his head once told me “10 SCamps no pants!” It was a bit chilly and wet for me to forego the pants entirely this weekend, but I’m happy to say that I finally hit double digits […]