Summer Camp Bandana Contest 2021

Congrats to our winner Alise G!
scamp21 bandanadesign
Every year, we’ve given talented SCampers the chance to design our official festival bandana! And we’re excited to be doing it once again for our 20th Anniversary this August. To enter, you will need to submit a bandana design to the form linked below by July 9th at 11:59pm CT.
Your submission can be a pdf, jpg, png, or design file. Vector design files are also appreciated (as they are needed to print the bandana), but not required. Bandana’s will be printed in 1 color ink, not multiple colors.
Deadlines: Entries are accepted now through July 9th at 11:59PM CT. 

  • Once submissions close, the Summer Camp team will review all artwork and select a winner to announce the following week!

Prize: Our Grand Prize winner will have their bandana design selected as the official Summer Camp 2021 bandana, will receive a pair of 3-Day GA Passes with VIP Upgrades, and 10 official bandanas at the festival.
Submit Your Design

Contest Rules & Regulations