Summer Camp & Amazeballs Amusements MAKE A DIFFERENCE for Camp Counselor Jason

Each year at the festival, Summer Camp’s Soulshine Tent and Make A Difference area work to educate and build a collective consciousness within our community, but also to support those in need – and this year they teamed up with Amazeballs Amusements for a very special fundraiser to help one of our own. photo credit: jason kaczorowski photographyCamp Counselor Jason recently fell on hard times when he suffered a traumatic brain aneurysm just a few short weeks before Memorial Day Weekend and this year’s festival. While we were enjoying three days at Three Sisters Park, he was laid up in a hospital bed at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Knowing that he had medical bills piling up and a long road to recovery still ahead of him, we at Summer Camp knew it was time to make a real difference for our friend Jason. So, a fundraiser was held at the Amazeballs Amusements Mini Golf tent on Sunday of this year’s festival. Thanks to the generosity of the fine folks at Amazeballs Amusements, we were able to put together a Hole-In-One challenge – SCampers could donate $5 in exchange for the chance to sink a putt on the first try, and those that did were entered to win a variety of prizes including a VIP Upgrade for Summer Camp 2016, tickets to Shoe Fest, and even a boombox provided by The BoomCase.

“Easy Like a Sunday Morning” – Mini Golf is for lovers. Come on out on the last day of the 2015 Summer Camp Music… Posted by Amazeballs Amusements onĀ Sunday, May 24, 2015
  With the help of many of Jason’s friends and family, as well as his friends in the band Soap, Umphreaks Anonymous, and beyond, word spread quickly… and I am happy to share that in just a few short hours we raised over $600, with all proceeds going towards Jason’s medical expenses. Even more inspiring was the amount of support coming in from random SCampers just walking by during our fundraiser – even though they didn’t know Jason, they wanted to participate in this very special event and truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE for someone in need.
It’s my pleasure to let the community know that Jason is finally coming around, and has been moved from Rush to a rehab facility where he is learning how to walk and talk again. His family and friends have shared how his eyes light up when he hears of the fundraiser, and how he is determined to return to the festival next year. I know I speak for all SCampers in saying “We can’t wait to see you there, Jason!” Jason still has a long journey ahead, and is still in need of financial support. If you would like to support his recovery, please do so using his GoFundMe account. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to say THANK YOU to Summer Camp Music Festival and the staff that supported this, Vanessa and the MAKE A DIFFERENCE Program, Jason at Amazeballs Amusements, Shoe Fest, Soap, All Things Pinja, Umphreaks Anonymous, and all of the individual SCampers that donated. You have truly helped to make a difference in Jason’s life, and giving of time and money to help someone in need is part of what makes our community great and it truly makes the world a better place! <3]]>