Show Review: Matisyahu's Festival of Light in Buffalo

Matisyahu on his Festival of Light tour in Buffalo this past Monday and I’m glad I did! 1474603 488570961258462 23419898 n Matisyahu’s music is a unique blend of reggae, rock, and hip hop. That may sound like an odd pairing, but he does it in such a perfect way that it makes complete sense. I didn’t know much of his music going into the show except for a few of his hits. I remember really digging his song, “Youth” years back. Other then that, I didn’t know much but I always go into those shows with an open mind. Check out his hit “Youth”: I made it to the show 10 minutes before they went on. Right when they hit the stage, I could feel the great vibes in the room and was expecting an awesome show! The intro had the lights flashing all around in suspense and the music was electrifying. 1455915 488571024591789 417136607 nI found myself smiling very often during the show. The music is very uplifting and Matisyahu seemed very pleased to be with the audience. It was very clear in the times that he spoke to the audience that he appreciated everyone, and even life in general. It was a very memorable night for me! I’m a very visual person, so an awesome production also scores big in my books when going to a show. Matisyahu’s lighting rig was pretty decent. It didn’t look much before they started playing, but once they came out it was pretty glorious! 1463568 488571041258454 1374581199 n My favorite moment from the show was the very end when they played their hit, ” One Day ” and Matisyahu invited anyone in the audience to come on stage. The song serves a powerful message. One day we’ll all be free And proud to be Under the same sun Singing songs of freedom like One day” – Excerpt from “One Day” Having everyone swaying in the crowd and on stage gave me goosebumps. It really was an awesome way to close the night! If you have a chance to catch Matisyahu anytime soon, I would recommend it! I will be seeing them for sure next time I get the chance. Matisyahu’s Upcoming Tour Dates:

  • 12/5 – Monmouth University – Philadelphia, PA
  • 12/7 – House of Blues – Boston, MA
  • 12/8 – Webster Hall – New York, NY
  • 12/9 – 9:30 Club – Washington, DC
  • 12/10 – The Space at Westbury – Westbury, NY
  • 12/11 – Club Helsinki – Hudson, NY
  • 12/14 – Solaris Concert Venue – Vail, CO
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