Camp Counselor Sasha’s Rocktober in Asheville


For all 20 years of my adult life, I’ve spent much of my time traveling for live music. After two decades, the music finally came to me. This is my recap of what went down during ROCKtober in Asheville. After a very busy summer on the road, my wife and I decided to “settle down” […]

Hop On The Bus – A Summer Camp: On The Road Tour Recap

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Hop On The Bus – A Summer Camp: On The Road Tour Recap Camp Counselor Sydney (St. Louis) I’ve been to Summer Camp: On The Road in St. Louis for years and years. Even before my first SCamp, and I can say is that each year there are new artists to explore and engage with. […]

Camp Counselor Sasha’s Jam-tastic Winter

All images by Sasha Savinov. Howdy, SCampers! I hope you all stayed warm this winter, especially by grooving along to some of your favorite Summer Camp bands. That’s what I’ve was doing this winter and I figured a little recap is in order. Here’s a look at what went down during what I’m calling my […]

Big Something Escapes the Living Room in Asheville

All images by Sasha Savinov of What’s up SCampers? Camp Counselor Sasha here with the first 2022 show review on the Campfire! Following the Pigeons Playing Ping Pong NYE space disco extravaganza, we hibernated for a solid two weeks. When we saw that North Carolina’s own Big Something was coming to Asheville, though, we decided […]

Pigeons and Friends Flock to Asheville for a Space Disco

All images by Sasha Savinov of Happy New Year, SCampers! Camp Counselor Sasha here finally back on Earth after ringing in the New Year at a space disco. It was an out-of-this-world party to say the very least and I’m here to tell you all about it! Pigeons Playing Ping Pong once again flocked […]

Camp Counselor Allyce Conjures Summer Camp Magick

  (Image Courtesy of Tara Gracer)   2007: 19 years old- I dated a guy for one month. He cheated on me so we broke up on the winter solstice. He asked me to keep my ticket to see a band he liked, Umphrey’s McGee, with him and his friends. Our group stood Joel-side that […]

Best. SCamp. Ever. with Camp Counselor Sasha

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(images courtesy of Grateful Gypsies) Wow SCampers, just wow. It’s been a few weeks since we left Three Sisters Park and I’m still reeling from what I’m already calling the best SCamp ever. Cheers to 20 years, indeed! It felt so damn good – dare I say cathartic? – to be back home at Summer […]

They’re an American Band: Umphrey’s McGee in Detroit Rock City

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(All images courtesy of Grateful Gypsies) Memorial Day weekend is usually a time when I dust off the camping gear and make the drive to Three Sisters Park for Summer Camp Music Festival. With the festival postponed until August, I had to make alternative plans for the holiday weekend. Thankfully a little rock band known […]

Pink Hair and Bluegrass – Billy Strings Hits Louisville

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(Image by Jesse Faatz Photography via Billy Strings Facebook) Camp Counselor Amanda hit the road to see Billy Strings in the bluegrass state. The future of bluegrass is changing and Billy Strings is front and center of these changes. This past weekend, Billy Strings debuted new pink hair at Waterfront Park in Louisville, Kentucky and […]