Leave No Trace Contest

Dear SCampers, this is your official invitation to help leave Summer Camp a little greener this year (plus a little friendly competition never hurt!). We would like you all to participate in our #LeaveNoTraceAtSCamp contest this year for a chance to win (2) 3-Day GA Passes w/ VIP Upgrades to Summer Camp Music Festival 2023! You’ll be the first to have tickets for next year – all because you helped keep our scene clean 🙂

How To Enter:

  • Upload 2 photos to any social media platform (your own profile!)

    • Photo 1: Your Summer Camp Campsite once it’s set up (lookin’ good!)

    • Photo 2: Summer Camp Campsite Monday morning after you’ve cleaned and left no trace

  • Tag @SummerCampMusicFestival on Facebook and @summercampfest on Twitter or Instagram

  • Use the hashtag: #LeaveNoTraceAtSCamp

  • Upload photos by 6/7 (1 week)

If Big Foot can do it, so can we. Happy SCampin’!