Gettin started…Thursday throwdown!

Elephant Revival, and I tell you what, that chick playing the washboard was totally groovin! I recommend that you guys check them out, they’re kind of have a new age upbeat folk sound. They were playing just at the sun was going down and if you weren’t there on Thursday, the sunset was absolutely beautiful. Next up was Trichome and if they can’t get you to get your funk on I don’t know who will. They had a sax player that ripped it up, lots of energy and big sound. From what I hear Cornmeal is where the rage begins and they kicked it off like no other. I have never heard anyone play the violin with so much passion like she did. Next two bands we hit were The Werks and Future Rock. The Red Barn shows are amazing, I highly recommend that you guys go and buy at least one late night Red Barn ticket. Its a good time that you really don’t  want to miss out on. Lets see what Friday has to offer!  ]]>