Friday at Summer Camp 2013 was fan-flipping-tastic!
I started off my day by catching Pimps of Joytime at the Camping Stage. Then I got to see the Wailers, Medeski Martin & Wood, Caravan of Thieves, Papadosio, Cherub, and of course, Umphrey’s McGee. The late night show with moe. and Yonder Mountain String Band was also a blast.
Umphrey’s McGee holds a special event at Summer Camp called the “Golden Ticket” where they basically stuff 500 bags with a ton of swag and sell them for $30. There is way more than $30 worth of merch in each bag and some bags even contain priceless prizes like a golf ride through the fest with bassist Ryan Stasik or a collection of limited edition posters. If the bags don’t sell out, you can purchase more than one, and if you don’t like the swag you get, you can trade with other folks. It is a great way to get your hands on some merch for cheap and maybe even get hooked up Willy Wonka style!

Friday night I was wandering through the woods on my way to the late night barn shows, when I heard the most beautiful saxy melody. Upon investigation, I found one the craziest, most intimate shows of the weekend being put on by Indigosun right in the heart of the woods. I have been coming to Summer Camp for quite some time and I have heard rumors that this band throws one hell of a secret late night party in the woods. I was amazed to see that this band has never gotten an official spot on the Summer Camp lineup before this year. I am really looking forward to seeing their Sunday set at the Camping stage and I know we will be seeing much more from them in years to come.
Friday was crazy day of running around and settling into our new homes for the weekend. I met a lot of AMAZING people, saw some great shows, enjoyed a refreshing cocktail or two, and danced my booty off. I am excited for another day of absorbing all that my favorite fest has to offer and sharing with my festival family.