Camp Counselor Nick Spends an Evening with Cornmeal and The Deadwood Saints

Set 1: Crossroads, As Long As You’re Around, Night in my Dreams, Slaughter House, Ashes To Ashes, Devil Keeps Track, 6th Street and Trinity, Flood of 19 Never, Road To Nowhere, Tattoo Blues, Tennessee Rain, Have A Cigar, Cheap Guitar, My Irene

The Deadwood Saints is one part country, one part rock, and a little bit punkabilly. Running quickly along the trail blazed by the likes of Bob Dylan and Todd Snider, this band is a vibrant addition to the Fort Collins scene. Renditions of covers like the Talking Heads’ “Road To Nowhere,” and Pink Floyd’s “Have A Cigar” enticed the crowd. These tunes juxtaposed against their own original, rowdy, deliberate song writing made for a very entertaining opening act. Towards the end of the set Wavy joined the band for a quick song before disappearing backstage. [gallery ids="20198,20199,20200,20201,20202,20203"] Cornmeal came to the Hodi’s stage with Phil Roach in tow ready to throw down. Their two-hour set highlighted many of the songs that made Cornmeal so beloved by their fanbase.

Set 1: When The Worlds Got You Down, Oh Leah Lee, Shelter, Drinking Away, Calling Me Back Home, I’m Coming Back, All Things Must Change, I’ll Be Looking At You, Shady Grove

Encore: Long Hard Road The addition of Roach changed the entire vibe of the night; his fiery solos became the center of attention. Wavy of course maintained his even keeled demeanor except when he came up to the microphone and belted it out. The new Cornmeal sounded right at home on classics like “When The World’s Got You Down” and “Calling Me Back Home.” The “All Things Must Change” lasted for over 18 minutes proving that as Cornmeal progresses with Scott, Drew, and now Phil they are gelling musically very quickly. They psychedelic grass that was the hallmark of late night Cornmeal festival sets of years past is still very much alive and well. [gallery ids="20204,20205,20206,20207,20208,20210,20211,20212,20213,20214,20215,20216,20217,20218,20219,20220,20221,20222"] ]]>