Las Vegas is a very symbolic and important piece of my life. I have spent 10 years of my childhood calling it home living in a small house in downtown near Fremont. This is where I found love in music and where my dreams were seeded. I also lived in Oregon about 20 miles from where Nahko grew up. A fellow Aquarius, I feel like he and I share a similar theme in purpose and progress.
I had come full circle in going back to where my passion started while being guided to notice a series of synchronistic events that can only be described as being apart of some kind of divine plan. My brother’s High School graduation here in Vegas was the day after the show and Nahko had a very special guest appearance, his brother AJ. Something that was very intimate between them. You could feel the bond and their radiation of brotherly love for each other that resulted in an introspective look at myself and the relationship with my brother. I had later bought Nahko and Medicine for the People’s album Dark As Night for my brother’s graduation gift. Something that we can later reflect and connect with.
This was the show that finally sold me of the band. I had seen them play a few times in the states mentioned above, listened to a couple of their tracks, watched some videos on Youtube but I wasn’t really sold on their majesty until the second night at the Brooklyn Bowl. This time I was up close with a press pass to capture the essence of their performance. My photos were raw and the energy was relentless. There was certainly a new chapter unfolding.
The headliner, Thievery Corporation, wasn’t a disappointment either. Not by a long shot. It was my first time seeing this legendary band and they threw out more surprises I could possibly imagine! I didn’t realize how many people were actually apart of the group. I think they had like 5 vocalists all together, each one filled to the brim with electric energy. Their bassist is a madman, I have never seen a bassist move around so much in my life! It was quite the task to catch a good photo of him but I pulled out a few shots that I am very happy to share.
The thing that I like about Thievery Corporation is their variety. Their latest album that they were touring on, Saudade, is as pure of a traditional Bossa Nova as it can get. While they are also able to produce some heavy hip hop grooves and elements of soul that will leave you breathless. These guys bring originality and purity to the table with ease. A true Summer Camp treat that I am hoping to have back!