Grassroots California is a progressive clothing line that makes quality merchandise such as hats, T-Shirts, hoodies, socks, and so on. They have been working with Summer Camp Music Festival for the past 5 years and supply the festival with unique hats and apparel!
One of my favorite things about the brand is that part of their proceeds are donated to various organizations such as the California State Parks Foundation and Rock Against Cancer, as well as many others.
I’m excited to see what they’ve put together for us to wear this year, and wanted to let you SCampers know that while Grassroots Cali will be at the festival with the GRC Dome, their full-scale stage will not be present this year.
Check out their website here and don’t forget to “Like” them on Facebook to get the drop on their new releases, including the Summer Camp 2015 hat. 🙂]]>