Beats Antique and Shpongle came together with Emancipator, and Lafa Taylor for a massive tour dubbed “The Creature Carnival.” They hit 16 cities starting in Madison, WI and made their way to Los Angeles, CA. I got the chance to check out this epic tour at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas on their second to last date in which they had no signs of fatigue.
This was actually my first time seeing Beats Antique live. I saw Shpongle at Summer Camp 2012 when he did his Masquerade set on The Sunshine Stage but as far as that, this tour was pretty fresh to me. I had heard some very positive buzz regarding Beats Antique and their performances so I was really excited for this one. I usually don’t build up too much anticipation but I also don’t normally receive the kind of talk within my realm of awareness like I was getting with Beats Antique. This was also my last show in a heavy 5 show schedule within a week of being at Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas as apart of Summer Camp Music Festival‘s Camp Counselor program. Thats the glory in the program. I get to go to all these shows, take pictures, and write sweet reviews for all of you to enjoy.
With all the hype regarding Beats Antique and their live set, I am fortunate to say that I was not let down. Not one single bit. Their opening song left me with a curious cinematic feel that transitioned into an epic drumline style cadence. This left me pumped up, lively, and excited for the remainder of the night. In college, I was on a drumline for 2 years and spent countless hrs practicing to a click track night after night. I can certainly connect to their preparation and execution of their performance and I was completely blown away by it. This was a multi-layered set that was kept fresh song after song. Whether it be the drumline, epic costumes, brilliant choreography, huge blow up animals, weird masks, and ice cream handouts, they kept the audience captivated and engaged. A true show.
Shpongle put on a great set as well. I never realized how fun he and his music really was until I got up close. It was a completely different image than what I had created after seeing his Masquerade set at SCamp. Simon Postford is a character unlike any other. His humor and personality overflows into the audience that has the ability to generate smiles. If you don’t believe me, just check out this photo I captured below.
If that wasn’t enough excitement to share with you all, I even got to go on stage and take the family photo! I was at the right place at the right time towards the end of the show and was asked by a member of the tour to take the picture. It was one of those things I couldn’t turn down. I was semi shy at first because the camera I was using was not mine. I am extremely new to photography and I wanted to take a good shot. I found comfortability on stage and took the picture. It sure isn’t the best but I am pretty stoked I got to do it. No regrets. Thanks to The Creature Carnival Tour for putting on such a good time!!!
Check out more of my photos below.
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