Camp Counselor Alex F's 15 Ways to Keep the Smile Alive at Summer Camp

Smiling is also “contagious”, so allow me propose 15 ways to keep the smile virus alive at this year’s Summer Camp! πŸ™‚

1) Tell someone they are beautiful

People love to hear it! The simplicity of the compliment can go along way.. and hey, the simple compliment might turn into something else! πŸ™‚

2) Help someone move their camping gear

This simple form of generosity can go a long way, making neighbors feel welcome right off the bat and encouraging a trend of kindness that will shape the entire weekend. πŸ™‚

3) Participate in Summer Camp Field Day

Reminisce and relive your childhood while playing kickball with Ryan Stasik of Umphrey’s McGee, competing against other SCampers in tug-of-war, participating in the spelling bee and more! Registration for Field Day 2015 is open now. πŸ™‚

4) Tip your bartenders

Spread the happiness that cash can bring to those working hard behind the counter all weekend – it’s bound to boost their day and their gratitude will spread to the next customer in line. πŸ™‚

10628026_731185293585015_3540595433560987319_n5) Shave your chest hair into a mustache

Having a stache on your face isn’t enough… it’s time to step up your game and bring your chest hair along for the mustache ride as well. Just an idea! πŸ™‚

6) Morning Yoga in the Soulshine Tent

Revitalize your body and mind with Heading OM Yoga, held dailyin the Soulshine Tent! The potential health benefits of yoga include:

  • Stress reduction – A number of studies have shown that yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improved fitness – Practicing yoga can lead to improved balance, flexibility, range of motion and strength..
  • Management of chronic conditions.

7) Give free hugs

Everybody has seen the guy with the sign that says, “Free Hugs.” I dare you to be that guy. Hugs = Smiles, right? CAUTION: Prepare to stay clean, or free hugs may result in Wook Flu. πŸ™‚

8) Bring someone you love

This is a sure way to permeate happiness during the festival and build a stronger bond with those you love that can be shared well after you leave the festival gates. πŸ™‚

9) Buy a stranger a beer

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
As a total random act of kindness, grab an extra beer when you’re at the bar and hand it to someone you see who’s almost finished their own beverage. They’re sure to appreciate the gesture, and they might even keep the trend going! πŸ™‚

10) Buy your tickets EARLY

The earlier you buy tickets, the more money you save for shopping with the festival’s incredible vendors, buying beverages, or supporting our MAKE A DIFFERENCE and Non-Profit partners! πŸ™‚

11) Take lots of photos

Taking photos of people pretty much forces them to smile whether they like it or not. So bring a camera, and ask people to SAY CHEESE!!! πŸ™‚

10390518_578727458907665_6814058518087806902_n12) Wear an outlandish shirt

As my fellow Camp Counselor Jason fashionably proves here, cat shirts = smiles. Come dressed to impress – or at least amuse! πŸ™‚

13) Get an ice cream cone

Nothing screams for ice cream more than your inner child wanting to be released on a warm midwest day. Uncle Bob’s Ice Cream is a classic treat to not be missed! πŸ™‚

14) Hand out “Positivity Notes”

As my fellow Camp Counselor Kyle put it in his “15 Ways To Pass The Time Until Summer Camp” blog…

Get your crew together and gather up some index cards and coloring markers. Write only positive and inspiring messages on them, then bring them to Summer Camp and hand them out to people. The smile on their face as well as yours is well worth it! Spreading positivity and love is so much what music festivals are about!

15) Just BE
Be here now! The biggest thing you can do to keep the smile alive is just experience Summer Camp for what it is and BE YOURSELF! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚