What’s exciting about a Wednesday? Generally not much, but THIS particular Wednesday, March 18th, was a special Wednesday. A very special Wednesday indeed.
It had been a whirlwind of a week, with St. Patty’s Day celebrations, the excitement surrounding Summer Camp’s 3rd Round of Artist Announcements, and the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament all propelling me towards this special Wednesday and it’s performance by Summer Camp hosts and 25 year jam vets moe.
This night served many purposes for me. I was assisting my good friend, Dr. Charlie Kautz “the Musician’s Physician” before the show as he treated various members of the band and crew. I was also on the lookout for anyone in Summer Camp shirts or hats as part of our “Spot a SCamper” promo and most importantly, I was there as a fan!
After all the excitement of the week I was anxious for my first moe. experience outside of 3 Sisters Park in years… and I was not disappointed to say the least. Here’s the night’s set list:
Set 1: Calyphornya, Bring It Back Home, White Lightning, Turpentine, Silver Sun > Yodelittle > CalifornIA > The Bones of Lazarus
Set 2: Time Again, Stranger Than Fiction > Tubing The River Styx > The Pit, Wicked Awesome, Four, Captain America > Recreational Chemistry
Encore: All Roads Lead to Home, Blister in the Sun
The band came out ready to rock after a 2 day touring break. You could sense at an-ease vibe from the Buffalo based 5 piece, who were clearly comfortable on stage despite playing their first show in Madison since February, 2013. Synchronistically enough, moe. kicked into “Bring It Back Home” for the 2nd song of the night. The first set just got better from there, with a seamless transitions from Silver Sun > Yodelittle > CalifornIA before a fiery Bones of Lazarus to close the set. The intimate, energized Barrymore Theater crowd roared with approval and anticipation as we transitioned in to set break, and I knew things were going to reach other levels for the second set when Rob came out to play with his hood up.