1.) The moe.ron / Umphreak
Summer Camp is an annual requirement for the most hardcore of moe. & Umphrey’s McGee fans, all of whom seem to know more than the next about their favorite band.
2.) The Artist
It seems like no matter where you find yourself throughout the four days you’re bound to run into people creating, whether it’s a painting, jewelry, music, etc.3.) Musicians On Foot

4.) The True Competitor
Over the last four years Summer Camp has hosted its annual Field Day competition, featuring a wide variety of games ranging from tug-of-war to a pizza eating contest. Highlighting it all is the annual Saturday morning Sunrise Kickball Game with Ryan Stasik of Umphrey’s McGee. SCampers with a competitive nature flock to these games in the hopes of winning a keg party for their team…5.) The Naturalist

6.) The Costumed
It’s always great running into somebody rocking a unique costume. From the old banana man classic to a full Abe Lincoln getup, you’re guaranteed the opportunity for some impressive photo ops with your fellow SCampers.7.) Parents

8.) The Festival Virgin
These SCampers ran out of water on the first day, avoided sun screen, and forgot to bring a towel. If you see them, offer some help!9.) Hoopers

10.) Volunteers

11.) The Go Getter
The “fear of missing out” (FOMO) does strange things to attendees. Some will stay awake as long as humanly possible attempting to catch all of the late night action. If you see these SCampers, offer them water and a place to rest! 🙂12.) The PLUR

13.) The Organic Fanatic
You’ll find these SCampers using their organic soap in the showers, assisting with the festival’s greening initiatives, or on the hunt for some organic food vendors. They’ll also likely participate in the annual RAGE AGAINST GMOs march that starts at the Soulshine Stage – wave as they go by, or better yet join the cause!14.) The Festival Veteran