Apply to this Year’s Soulshine Live Art Gallery!

Calling All Visual Artists!

now accepting live art gallery applications

Summer Camp’s Soulshine Live Art Gallery is an exhibition of unique painters, builders, designers and creators that aims to provide high quality art for display and for sale. The gallery itself will be once again located on either side of the stage inside the Soulshine Tent.

The powerful relationship between music and visual expression is something that we here at Summer Camp are always looking to expand upon. Selected artists will get the opportunity to unleash their creative visions live, as various bands play their sets throughout the festival. 
Every year, our arts community plays a huge part in shaping that special Summer Camp vibe. We’ve hosted some of the most talented, passionate and original individuals over the course of our 20 year history. These people dedicate their weekend to expressing themselves in ways that inspire and spark our imaginations. 
Applicants must submit 5 pieces of artwork, name, a short bio and weblink for fans to view. Our Soulshine Live Art Gallery board will review submissions and notify selected participants via email. Further details and requirements will be outlined as part of our advance communication with the approved artists.
The following list outlines acceptable parameters:

  • All painting mediums, other than spray paint, will be considered.
  • Sculptures, projections and other mediums (recycled art, wood, etc) will also be considered.
  • Jewelry is not accepted in the Soulshine Art Gallery program.
  • Aerosol cans and spray paint are not allowed at Summer Camp Music Festival.

art gallery general 2 tony vasquez fx media solutions
Applicants will also have an opportunity to further promote their work through participating in the Live Art Auction benefiting nonprofits participating at the Nonprofit Row of Make a Difference. We ask that each artist donate one print to the Auction to foster collective consciousness and further the missions of organizations that work on important issues that face our communities, planet and world. 

The application will be open until June 25th.